It's a bittersweet yum-yum fest with Matt Harvey*. *Line borrowed from a teenaged Asian girl's diary. I told you to draft him on every team as a 6th starter. Unfortunately, he was drafted as a number three in most leagues. Fortunately if you still drafted him, he's the boss of the world. Ask him next time you want to go to the bathroom. He will permission you. He's a benevolent boss. A benevolent boss that says it's okay when you forget to wear pants to work. Or a benevolent boss that doesn't scold you when you stare at the clock for the last four hours on a Friday. It was like he was channeling the Spirit of Doc Gooden, but the Spirit had a more responsible sponsor than Keith Hernandez and wasn't being offered goofballs off some hooker's chest that Strawberry just brought into the clubhouse. Ralph Kiner, God Bless his soul if he passes sometime in the next 24 hours, napped through the entire Mets game and still knows how good Harvey was. That's how good he was! And yesterday's line of 7 IP, 0 ER, 3 baserunners, 10 Ks could just be the beginning. Anyway, here's what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball: