Much respect to the mothers. Without my emergence from my mother's vagina, I wouldn't be able to bestow on you my fantasy baseball 'pertness. We are one people and everyone has popped out of a mother's vagina at one point, unless you're an alien -- I'm looking at you, Andrelton! -- and with our emergence from our mother's vagina -- or that Cesarean stuff that I don't fully understand -- I say we should all live together, loving each other, and never speaking of Ike Davis again, cause he sucks. With all that mother loving out of the way, yesterday was about the worst offensive day I've seen during a full schedule day for rosterable fantasy hitters. I mean, there were a ton of Brayan Pena's and Donald Lutz's doing work, but not a whole lot from guys actually owned. Though, it would be awesome if someone got caught corking their pink bat. Corking a pink bat is like A-Rod growing a mustache. Then the nadir of that offensive dearth (pinnacle of pitching success?) was Chris Sale. He tossed a shutout, one-hitter with 7 Ks vs. the Anathema Angels. Still don't trust him to stay healthy all season, but it looks pretty likely that he's going to be pitching well until his arm falls off. Then, if his arm doesn't fall off perchance, he's going to be a number one pitcher. Anyway, here's what else I saw this weekend in fantasy baseball: